Transforming the trajectory of women lives through exposure to curated experiences. These experiences assist women in discovering and recovering their true identity that was stolen by the impacts of childhood abuse, homelessness, drug/alcohol addiction, prostitution, and domestic violence .
Women continuing walking in the discovery and recovery of their identity and living productive lives, having overcome the challenges of trauma, and passing their knowledge forward.
2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will for your life.
Romans 12:2 (GOD'S TREASURES revelation)
22 “GOD'S TREASURES BOUTIQUE says to you, ‘Quick! Bring the best garment and put it on her. Put a tiara on her head and shoes on her feet.
23 Hire the finest caterer. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. 24 For our sister was dead and is alive again; she was lost and is found.’ let's celebrate".
Luke 15:22-24 (GOD'S TREASURES revelation)

Note from the Steward
I became homeless at age 18. Once homeless my life quickly spiraled out of control. After experiencing homelessness, rape, memories of childhood molestation, prostitution, crack/ PCP addiction and domestic violence I was diagnose as being suicidal.
But God had a plan; I rededicated my life back to God and began discovering my real identity and became a business steward for over 11 years. I knew that was not the end of the story. The pain that I experienced all those years caused me to develop a passion for women whose identity was also stolen. My life purpose is to assist women who are currently experiencing or is overcoming a temporary state of stolen identity into taking back what is rightfully theirs. What others consider as obstacles, I now view as opportunities for spiritual, personal and professional growth.
Having three adult servants and seven grand servants reminds me of how blessed I am.
Knowing that I am the branch and that God is the Vine and without Him I can do absolutely nothing but wither away, keeps me attached to who is really responsible for the life that I now have.
But I have prayed for Jacqueline, that her faith fail not: and when she is converted, strengthen her sisters.
Luke 22:32 (GOD'S TREASURES revelation)


I am trying to keep this short. Allow me to first say Jacqueline that you are amazing, and your struggles have made you an incredible person. You have been committed to keeping me encouraged and lifted. I have put a lot of thought into all of the ways that your ministry inspired me, I think the biggest thing for me is that no matter how much I back slid or lost my footing, you never gave up and you never judged. I have to say you are one of the most encouraging people I have met. I have been through a great deal of struggles in my life and have come in contact with many people, none of whom I can say are anywhere near as committed to helping people as you are. Being homeless was hard for me and my family. The food, school supplies, school uniforms and your prayers were such a blessing. Even when your family was in need you were still trying to make sure my family’s needs were met. You are truly a blessing from the Lord, and not just for me and my family, but anybody who is in need. You don't sugar coat stuff, you put it right out there the way God wants us to hear it. I love you and I thank God for you. He sent you into my life with a purpose and no matter how much I fight it sometimes, you never gave up. Thank you! You allowed God to use you to save my family so many times. Today I have a great job, renting a house and is the process of purchasing my first home. Thank you Jesus!!!!

"A lady I met said she wanted to take me shopping. I thought how nice, i didn't want to go but a tiny voice in my head said go. I was given an address and I thought I was going to a store. I walked in and was greeted with open arms from Mrs. Younger. I could feel the love in the atmosphere as I crossed over the threshold of her boutique. I had been taking each day one at a time but just barely keeping my head above ground. I found this dress that could be multifunctional, Church, Interview, and just Everyday as well as other garments. I tried on the dress but still didn't think I deserved such kindness from a stranger. The day I actually put it on to go out in public I felt like a million dollars. My self-esteem was lifted a little bit higher especially after believing for years that I was nothing or no one. The Boutique has given me the courage to step out of the darkness into the light just a little further. I'm forever grateful for God placing GOD'S TREASURES BOUTIQUE in my life"
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Our story becomes also your story when you assist us in meetings the needs of our guest. What you make happens for others God will always make happen for you. GOD'S TREASURES BOUTIQUE can not have these stories without you. God wants to do more and we all know we are partners with God in the creation of our sisters taking back what is rightfully theirs. Restoration of all things.
So GOD'S TREASURES BOUTIQUE inquired of the Lord, saying, “Shall our guest pursue their identity that was stolen? Shall they overtake the thief. And God answered them, “show and tell them and some; give them a glimpse, pursue, for they shall surely overtake the thief and without fail recover all.”
Luke 15:22:24 (GOD'S TREASURES revelation)


Dressing Room


Tory Burch

Be a
Jewell Green of Posh Culture, It's Jewell and wife of former Washington Redskins and Pro Football Hall of Former Darrell Green is definitely God’s Treasures jewel. For years now every Spring/ Summer and Fall/ Winter God’s Treasures Boutique is blessed with beautiful brand-new unique garments, shoes and bags from Jewell. In fact, God’s Treasures Boutique Visionary says that her belief of having people to be a blessing to the boutique started with God allowing Jewell to be the gift that she has been to the boutique. It gave Jacqueline the confidence to believe that the boutique will never be without the needs that the women that they serve have. Jewell is the gift that keeps on giving.
After being delivered from a lifestyle of homosexuality , drug addiction, and homelessness; I say today "In the Word of God, (Psalm 139:14) I Praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful."I know that full well.
As I struggled with my acceptance of being a woman, a wife, and a mother, God would use other woman in my life. God used Jacqueline Younger steward of GOD'S TREASURES BOUTIQUE to show me how to be a strong woman of God through her endurance in her walk with Jesus Christ. There is a spiritual part of our relationship and also there is a natural part."
Not being able to shop for the clothes that I need for ministering in song and because GOD'S TREASURES BOUTIQUE make sure that price tags are a thing of the past I am able to have the proper attire needed . While ministering whether I am singing at a homegoing service or a women homeless shelter, I know I am dressed for the occasion. Clothes are not just thrown at me. While visiting the boutique it's like having your very own personal stylist, Jacqueline assist me on what to wear from garments, jewelry to the right pair of shoes." I thank God for GOD'S TREASURES BOUTIQUE.
- Dana

Belinda “Coach B-Fit” Johnson is wearing one of her fashions from GOD’S TREASURES BOUTIQUE that she selected for a photo shoot. It is where Belinda comes from time to time not only to bless others, but to bless herself. She seeks and finds the just right wear for her many engagements then donates a generous monetary gift to bless others as she is blessed with the right fit. Belinda not only give monetary gifts; whenever GOD’S TREASURES has an event, she is always there to support whether it is spiritually, financially or athletically. Coach B-Fit Certified Fitness Trainer and Personal Coach Belinda Johnson is a sought-after fitness Expert known for her unique ways of inspiring others to live a healthy and fit lifestyle. Her profession has led her on many platforms such as the Dr. OZ SHOW, FOX5 News, Let’s Talk Live D.C, TBN and a host of other media platforms.

The trajectory of our guest lives has changed and our goal is to create a look that fits their ambitions and their upcoming experiences that will allow our guest to begin or continue the process of their transformation.
At the boutique, our guest will find a tailored selection of fine garments, accessories, shoes, jewelry, and a personal stylist ready to assist them in their transformation.
GOD'S TREASURES BOUTIQUE offers a true experience for any guest: preselected clothing with A- list brands. Our guests will never spend a dime; price tags are and will always be a thing of the past just like their stolen identity;
1. Be Blessed: changed your life…now change your
wardrobe! GOD’S TREASURES BOUTIQUE wants to reward your transformation and clothe you in attire that matches your ambitions.
You select, try on then you take without spending a dime.
So come, Be Blessed!
2. Be A Blessing: Donate new garments, shoes, handbags, perfumes, hats and jewelry to women with powerful life-changing testimonies. Whether the items come from you or represent a store or organization, your merchandise will be greatly appreciated and welcomed as you become a part of prayers being answered and dreams manifested. Your gifts are sure to lift the spirits of those who’ve overcome extreme hardships. We welcome your support as our guest continue to live their inspiring lives.
So come, Be a Blessing!
3. Bless Yourself: It’s often said that it’s better to give than to receive, but at this unique boutique…you can do both! Simply make a monetary donation (as much as you are led you to give) and select a garment for yourself. From Dolce & Gabbana to Ralph Lauren to Tory Burch, we’ve got you covered…in terrific, eye-catching garments. We welcome the chance to thank you for your kindness.
So come, Bless Yourself!



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She is known for both spreading good news and good taste. Jacqueline Younger Visionary of GOD’S TREASURES BOUTIQUE considers Apostle Cynthia’s good taste in fashions one of GOD’S TREASURES BOUTIQUE greatest assets. Her benevolence makes itself known throughout the boutique. In fact, one of the dressing rooms is named “Apostle Cynthia”. GOD’S TREASURES visionary Jacqueline Younger says she will always remember the impartation of the word of God as Apostle Cynthia would be teaching.
Apostle Cynthia Brazelton

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She is and founder of Gods Glamorous Girls conference which impacts the lives of women across the globe through powerful speakers. GGG 2019 conference featured the testimony of GOD'S TREASURES visionary Jacqueline Younger." Dr. Dee Dee has taken my faith walk to a level that has put me in a mindset of being unstoppable, it's just no stopping me now” says visionary Jacqueline Younger. She not only assists Jacqueline in developing the faith that has her in the mindset of winning, but has donated beautiful garments from designers like St. John, BCBG, Ralph Lauren and others to GOD'S TREASURES BOUTIQUE.
Dr. Dee Dee Freeman

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She is of Posh Culture and wife of former Washington Redskins and Pro Football Hall of Famer Darrell Green is definitely God’s Treasures jewel. For years now every Spring/ Summer and Fall/ Winter God’s Treasures Boutique is blessed with beautiful brand-new unique garments, shoes and bags from Jewell. In fact, God’s Treasures Boutique Visionary says that her belief of having people to be a blessing to the boutique started with God allowing Jewell to be the gift that that she has been to the boutique. It gave Jacqueline the confidence to believe that the boutique will never be without the needs that the women that they serve has. Jewell is the gift that keeps on giving.
Jewell Green
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Proverbs 18:16 A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great. (NIV)

We instill hope by providing an experience of what our guest life really looks like. GOD’S TREASURES not only tell them about their true identity, but the women actually get a real live GLIMPSE by allowing them to enter in that place. They shop for high end fashions at GODS TREASURES BOUTIQUE at no cost and attend events and getaways that transform the way they think of themselves as they tap into their true identity that was stolen.
The G.L.I.M.P.S.E believes once you see it; there is no unseeing it.
The women begin to declare "I, I, I" "It was Stolen…It’s Mine…I’m Taking It Back”
I, I, I, is not a bad thing after all.
County Executive Angela Alsobrooks
Fulfilling the Promise, Further Together Inaugural Gala 2022
attendees includes women who were residents and alumni's of Shepherd Cove Homeless Shelter (UCAP) for women and children located in Prince Georges County.
Once again from the shelter to the Gaylord

accepted the assignment of blessing the women with shoes and accessories. With the assistance of Steve Madden and Lillian Brown of Match Made Jewelry.

Alumni of Shepherd Cove Homeless Shelter (UCAP)
was honored to be photographed with
Maryland Governor-Elect Wes Moore at the Inaugural Gala.
G.L.I.M.P.S.E. Strikes again, thanks to
Carolyn Washington, Founder - Executive Director of Sisters 4 Sisters, Inc.
What was an ImpossibiliTEA for Marjorie became a RealiTEA.
Majorie met steward Jacqueline Younger of GOD'S TREASURES a few years go while she was in a local drug rehab residential program. She attended workshops on Saturdays for one entire year that Jacqueline was facilitating on "The Renewing of the mind". Marjorie now works, has her own vehicle and is now searching for her own apartment.
Update: Majorie moved into her apartment in August and is now is a partner of the church that Jacqueline Younger attends.
When Carolyn spoke to Jacqueline and offered a free ticket to their annual ImpossibiliTEA event to a young that Jacqueline felt would really appreciate such an event, Jacqueline knew that this would encourage and inspire Majorie even more that what may seem an ImpossiliTEA can become a RealiTEA.
The G.L.I.M.P.S.E thanks Carolyn Washington and Sisters 4 Sisters Inc.
for caring and sharing with Majorie an afternoon that she will never forget.

Carolyn and Majorie
ImpossibiliTEA 2022

Three women of Shepherds Cove Homeless Shelter in Capitol Heights, Maryland received a G.L.I.M.P.S.E. experience at the Gaylord Convention Center. County Executive Angela Alsobrooks requested that women from a local shelter be present at her Inaugural Gala 2018

After the ball the three women spent the night in their room at the Gaylord Hotel. UCAP of Capitol Heights, Maryland asked GOD’S TREASURES to make this happen for the three ladies. Sleeping in a homeless shelter one night and the next night attending an Inaugural Ball and sleeping at the Gaylord Hotel. That's a G.L.I.M.P.S.E.

Shepherd Cove Homeless Shelter is very dear to Jacqueline Younger's heart. Both her and her daughter were living there in the 80's
Genesis 50:20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. (NIV)

Five other women of Shepherds Cove Homeless Shelter in Capitol Heights, Maryland also received a G.L.I.M.P.S.E. experience at a Bed & Breakfast. A Limo arrived at the shelter to transport them to a local Bed and Breakfast. Jacqueline Younger gave her testimony about coming out of homelessness and so much more.

Apostle Cynthia Brazelton was the keynote speaker that deposited a word from God that was life changing. What a honor to have such a powerful woman of the kingdom of God be apart of this experience.

Because they are queens the women were crowned with tiaras . There were workshops on “How to Dream Again” Facilitated by Tanya Morrison and “In Spite of…..I Am A Healthy and Fit Woman of Purpose” Facilitated by Bfit Belinda Johnson.

At dining time, the women ate from a table fit for the queens that they are. In fact, they were addressed as Queen their name. The next morning our sisters woke up to massages. What an experience!
Would you like to sponsor a G.L.I.M.P.S.E. experience?
Contact us today to learn more.

We want to thank you for visiting our site. It gives us great joy to share with you what is happening in
our organization. With God and through the generous support of people like you we can continue to assist in the process of women taking back what is rightfully theirs; their true identity of who God created them to be. Your gift of any size will contribute to this assignment experiences the manifestation of God's promises. Consider donating to GOD’S TREASURES BOUTIQUE today.